Posts Tagged ‘home and family’

The Man

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

It speaks and it hears with respeito.' ' In the communication we can see that some types of languages exist that are used to have a dialogue. First, we use the verbal one, that it is constructed by words, phrases and conjuncts. Second, it is the not-verbal one that it is made by means of symbols and gestures. We see that the communication uses these ways of language, as well as the communication levels that help the just-married ones to have a good communication. Thus being able to use these levels in its relationship, that goes since the cliches until a frank and true communication, that assists to have a good relationship, therefore must if sincere to our spouses how much to our feelings and as we go to express them, so that if it becomes true.

Another important subject is the act to hear, that for Wright (1995, p.59) ' ' to hear of truth is to receive and to accept the message to the measure that this is sent trying to understand what to another person really it wants dizer.' ' We must exercise the habit to hear our spouse, therefore we know that the women have the trend or the necessity of saying more and to want to be heard by its husbands. According to Gray (1995, P. 113): ' ' when a woman wants to talk or feels the necessity of if to approach, it must lead the colloquy and not wait that the man inicie.' ' This really in she brings that the women like to speak and that in a colloquy always who will go to pull a subject or to argue the relation goes to be the woman. This occurs because the man is quieter and he does not like to speak, much less to express its Pease feelings (2000, P. 49) in says that &#039 to them; ' the fifteen twenty percent of the men has structuralized brains in feminine way.

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