Archive for March, 2019

Law Material

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

So that this it was possible we carry through a bibliographical research when we select an expressive material theoretical, supported in a gamma of authors compromised to the urgency of the implantation of the devices contained in the text of the related Law and its Lines of direction. Beyond this, we made an empirical research in four schools that pupils of Basic Ensino in classrooms take care of of sixth to the nineth year and its professors whom disciplines they give it of History, evidencing that these face serious difficulties in taking for the classroom a really significant boarding for its pupils. We perceive that these professors know the Law of superficial form, and that amongst the difficulties it is the lack of events that argue the subject, as it is the case of seminaries and also of access the specialized theoretical material. Nieman Lab oftentimes addresses this issue. Being thus, we brought two forms of assisting these professors in its limitations and necessities, with some recommendations and also a picture where we relate some articles, books, sites and also films, which approaches the Law in study, its Lines of direction, therefore we believe to be this the form to collaborate with these professionals who had readily agreed to collaborating with our research. We finish believing terms fulfilled our objectives, and the material related in the topics ' ' Recomendaes' ' ' ' Material of support to the Professor' ' , they will be systemize in material printed matter and directed to the searched schools aiming at to assist the professors, in the direction to transform its lessons into a form to sensetize and to educate our new adolescents and young for and valorosas forms of convivncia in way to the diversity, a time that the characteristic most excellent of our society is the different cultures that had given origin to our society, as it really is, that is, ' ' mistura' ' of cultures introduced here since the time of the settling, still in century XVI. .

Divide Land

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

As you fell of the sky, star of the morning, son of the white! As you were launched by land, you that you debilitated the nations! You said in your heart: I will go up to the sky; above of the stars of God I will exaltarei my throne and in the mount of the congregation I will be based myself, in the extremities of the north; I will go up above of highest clouds and will be similar to the Highest one. BSA has much experience in this field. However, you will be precipitated for the kingdom of deceased, in the deepest abyss. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, CAP. 14:12 the 15. The Human being wants to divide land into parcels the Moon with as much space to be busy in the Land? It is exactly it are of orbit its mind! With as much misery making the rounds its similar ones, it that to give higher flights? How disequilibrium! A Being is a vexame that if scholar says to want to divide land into parcels the Moon, while for the terrestrial streets the beggars beg aid. It will be that it has that to use a microscopical device to enxergar itself? It wants to still seat in one another throne if hiberna in a consciencial sleep? Already I know! Wants to equal itself the Universal God? But the Creative Father kills its hunger, its headquarters, supplies all its necessities daily. The people who inhabits there already allowed its landing? If he cannot olvidar that the Moon is the Satellite of the Land. Already I know! It already discovered that of other Orbes the people make caravans in the week ends to learn in its Universities. The Moon can go, but it is not in the world of the moon, because if not to distribute with that they do not have, they to the piles will come to charge you it assistance..

The Ground

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Defeated and desperate he took to the streets in search of someone who could release it. Although the majority of those who they found gave him tips and some even tried to release him the hands, his efforts generated only greater injuries, worsening his pain, his grief and his affliction. Very soon his wrists were so swollen and bloodied that he stopped asking for help, although it could not withstand the constant pain, nor their slavery. He toured the desperate streets until passing by a blacksmith forge, he noted how this forged hammered an iron bar red. Stopped a moment at the door watching. Maybe that man could when the blacksmith ended the work that was doing, looked, and seeing their wives told him: see friend, I can release you. Following his instructions, the unfortunate placed hands both sides of the anvil, leaving the chain upon him. In one fell swoop, the chain was heading.

Two more strokes and wives fell to the ground. It was free, free to walk towards the Sun and open sky, free to do all the things that I would like to do. It may seem strange that our man decides to stay in the smithy, along with coal and to the noise. However, that is what he did. He was contemplating his Liberator. He felt a deep reverence towards him and was born inside a huge desire to serve the man who had liberated so easily.

He thought that his mission was to stay there and work. Click BSA to learn more. So she did, and became an Assistant simple. Free from a type of chains, adopted other deeper and more permanent: put wives to his mind. However, it had come there looking for freedom. THE wick a man heard a night that someone was walking by his house. He stood up and, to have light, tried to draw sparks from the Flint to light his cigarette. But the thief causing noise, came to placed before him, and everytime a spark touched the wick, turned off her discreetly with the finger. And the man, believing that the wick was wet, failed to see the thief. Also in your heart there is someone who puts out the fire, but you do not see what Rumi * Sufi tales…


Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Our objective was to consider a methodology for the education of production of text in view of the retextualizao from the sorts prescribes culinria and poetry. One searched, still, to stimulate the critical sense of the pupils to differentiate diverse existing sorts, as well as developing the ability to reproduce texts that dialogue between itself. We made use of other pedagogical tools that go beyond the didactic book, as periodicals, magazines, and sites of the Internet, that in them had assisted in the elaboration of research and analyses of texts. Word-key: Literal sorts; poetry; culinria prescription; reading; writing. Nieman Lab addresses the importance of the matter here. Introduction Since much time the school has perceived that the pupils they find much difficulty with the practical one of the reading and the production of texts. Therefore, the professors have an essential paper in the incentive of the writing and the reading, that are tools capable to promote the communication of the pupil with the world.

However, it is of the pupil the function to search this interaction. In accordance with Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), no matter how hard the professor, the didactic classmates and materials can, and must, to contribute so that the learning if carries through, nothing can substitute the performance of the proper pupil in the task to construct meanings on the contents of the learning. Continue to learn more with: PCRM. ‘ ‘ It is who codifies the world to its redor, modifies it, enriches it e, therefore, he constructs to new and more powerful instruments of action and interpretao’ ‘. (PCN, 1997, P. 37). She is necessary to take the texts for the reality of the pupil, and not simply to place the pupil in the reality of the texts, therefore, made this interaction with its daily one, the pupil will feel itself more inside of its reality more it exempts to interpret it and to rewrite it..


Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

This activity of transmission and reception comes folloied of mechanized the repetitive accomplishment and purely of exercises, causing, on the part of the pupil, future memorizations of as these exercises initially had been developed. Ahead of this, we can evidence that many times the mental activities of our pupils are subestimada, depriving them to develop its cognitivas potentialities, its capacities to develop its reasonings and abilities. The education of the mathematics has that to go beyond transmission of the substance, to go beyond the correction of exercises in the black picture and its memorization. Generally mutos professors of mathematics possue great preoculpao in is ' vencendo' the content to any cost. Nieman Lab is actively involved in the matter. For them most important it is to pass the substance that if finds in didactic books adopted by them. These books in turn, would only have to be usalos as one I assist, and not to be imprisoned they.

Therefore it is basic that the professor dominates bastente the content beyond knowing what is really basic and indispensable to teach for the pupils. A problem notable also that it occurs in the classrooms is the fact by the education that is transmitted, the professor does not take in many of the veses the preucao to verify if the pupil really finds prepared to absorb new knowledge to be transmiditos for the professor. For result he has one I accumulate of you doubt for parts of the pupils, thus generating a ball of snow. One of most easy the current problems most serious and that the professor faces in classroom and one of deciding is the lack of interest of the pupils. This problem in classroom reflects very and in what this being studied in classroom. Aggravating more still the situation, some professors use the method to distribute reward, in the attempt to motivate these pupils ' ' participarem' ' of its lessons.

Martin Luther King

Monday, March 25th, 2019

One dared to say ' ' I am verdade' ' , nobody more. You may find PCRM to be a useful source of information. Words that had been said have two a thousand years more than and that still they retumbam in ' ' ouvido' ' of the humanity. But it did not pass of this. A doctrine that was not understood. The orders had been in a way or of another one badly given and therefore understood or these norms they had not been manipulated to the bel pleasure of that nothing they would profit from revelation of the truth of the existence terrena human being? Opportunists capsize in that one new doctrine a force of conversion never seen e, taking possetion itself of it, as if of them it outside broken, together deturparam it with teachings that were pedagogical party to suit of the Homo at that time where it was demonstrated. In case that the teachings were assimilated by the human being in all the times where had the chance to receive the lies, coexisting practical the pure one of the good to proceed (Confucius, Lao Ts, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Krishnamurti, Martin Luther King, Madre Tereza de Calcut, Chico Xavier, Betinho, and many others), where ethical, moral and material period of training estaram today? I think that many steps above. Amongst many truths that they need to be rescued it is the understanding and acceptance of the death.

This that is rejected by all the cultures, exactly those cultuam that it as if was a release party, the partisans so early does not want it for itself. It is alone to ask for a mstico any of one of these religions or seitas that nail the death as the great meeting with deities, if want to die. They always will have a justification for the necessity to be livings creature. More honest some will say as guru to its personal assistant said certain time old, in its stream bed of death, answering to the question of the assistant why it was fearful, unsafe at those moments, if during all its time of person who orientates practically it lived between two worlds, the material and the spiritual and spoke to saniasins with much tranquillity on the death, as the return to the truth.

Scottish Body

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Sight by far, Don Antonio Maria Alvarez Hinojosa seemed a vegetable. In wheelchair, its lean body practically place setting entirely with a Scottish blanket of entretiempo, the tipped head and hilillo of dribble slipping with intermitencia by the right comisura of its lips, did not offer a human aspect. At least, the one of a human with the vital constants in operation. Close by, however, it was observed that one body ruined by the years inhabited old an alive one malignantly. Their vivacious and eyes exposed anxious it. They showed a being who still lived, that was pawned on continuing doing it and which it tried that the others suffered for that reason. It abri the mouth and his breath and to its words it sent the nurse who to average meter and of watched it to him with mistrust. Speaking candidly Nieman Lab told us the story. You is called Manolo, no? asked the old man to him.

Indeed said the sanitary assistant to him to its patient. The blanket was crouched down to its side, accommodating better than a little had slid on the legs of Don Antonio. It likes his work? continued asking this one to him, with a perfect one and modulated diction that seemed impossible that it left that one body aggravated and that one hanging mouth and list towards the right. Because yes answered the other, with one slight hesitation that denoted the improbable thing of its assertion. Still is soon so that it gladly makes certain affirmations that are not said the old man to him, with an incredible lucidity, dice its aspect and condition. But I do not complain insisted Manolo. His patient, rather, his employer watched, it of landmark in landmark: Lleva only two days taking care of to me, no? The assistant did not know very or if he were about a question or an affirmation.


Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Its didactics will be then its method; that it foresees a new professor, a new pupil, a new school, a new society and a new man, with renewed ways to act and to interact on its environment. The didactics pde not to be restricted to give a support technician and instrument for the professors: of as to organize its lesson, to give it, to evaluate its pupils. It needs to fulfill its function social, to assist over all in economic, social, intellectual, cultural the formation of citizens, whom they know to create one another time, and as to become it more human. What is the society, any that is its form? The product of the reciprocal action of the men. Can the men choose this freely or that social form? Nothing of this. To one determined level of the development of the productive forces of the men he corresponds one definitive form of commerce and consumption. The determined phases of development of the production, the commerce, the consumption correspond definitive forms of social organization, one determined organization of the family, the social classes or the classrooms, in a way of if teaching. In this way, we can consider that the professor, when defining its form to teach, also defines, implicit a pedagogical content in its plans of lesson. Nieman Lab brings even more insight to the discussion. Therefore for a professor it is possible to affirm that imparcialidade does not exist; in each one of its lessons the express professor something that goes beyond its proper words. We must consider an education more joust, pleasant didactics and, after all of accounts I do not intend never to have young sleeping while he will be speaking on things that them are of utmost importance and that they have the power to change the character to them, the way to see and to face the life, we will be thus starting to fulfill the paper social of the education.

Modern Furniture Place

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

With the passage of time in our homes there are more and more different things, and they are unnecessary and, sometimes, and not excessive in my life. For all the things you need to find its place. A leading source for info: PCRM. And it is. This place is not entirely comfortable for the owner. Gradually the apartment more and more cluttered, lowering the living space. Assist in such situations would be able to correct and placement of furniture. In a modern apartment large enough part of the site and all space is occupied by furniture.

Because of its design features of furniture does not have an opportunity at 100% to fill the space and is usually placed on the most visible locations. This leads to an absolute blockage area and the visual and body. Another big drawback is that the old cabinets space between the upper surface and the ceiling or as not being used, or used for lowering of or folding of anything and whatever. Of course, it also clouds the picture of the room. As a result, it appears that furniture is a very huge space. It is not always convenient for direct application.

From to occupy a place only thirty percent can be called useful, then there are those that we really enjoy. Then the question arises: what to do? Out of this fairly simple: you must change the old cabinet furniture in modern, more efficiently utilizing our limited space. Such furniture have all chances to become a built-in furniture, cabinets coupe and modular furniture.

Whirlpool Appliances

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Built-in appliances, kitchen furniture. The range of washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, gas cookers, electric cookers, coffee makers, cooktops, hobs, ovens, dishwashers, hoods, microwaves, cookers, wine coolers, freezers, refrigerated cabinets for wine racks for refrigerators, food waste grinders, ovens, household appliances. Gain insight and clarity with BSA. Built-in appliances Ardo, Bosch, Elica, Siemens, Elleci, Liebherr, Ariston, Electrolux, Zanussi Aurora – Best Built-in appliances. Built-in appliances for kitchen, kitchen furniture manufacturers from Germany and beyond. In the online store Aurora, offers a wide range of household appliances. The range of available washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, kitchen machines, gas cookers, electric cookers, coffee makers, coffee machine, hob, hobs, ironing boards, dishwashers, hoods, microwave oven, microwave, food waste grinders, freezers, cookers, freezers, refrigerated cabinets for wine racks for refrigerator, oven, ovens, kitchen furniture. Built-in appliances from the German firms ARDO, Ariston, Electrolux, ISE, Bosch, Siemens, Elica, Liebherr, Faber, Zanussi.

Detailed descriptions of equipment and ordering OnLine. Delivery to Kiev for free. Internet hardware store Ardo, Bosch, Siemens, Electrolux, Liebherr, and other manufacturers. Built-in appliances for the kitchen. Ovens, ovens, plates hobs, sinks, hoods, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators. Detailed descriptions of equipment and selling for cash and cashless payments. Consultation with specialists and assist in the selection of goods.

Accessories and components for embedded appliances. Built-in appliances for the kitchen. Vygodnyae suggestions for ovens, hobs, washing machines, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, microwave, cooker hoods. The products of international brands Ardo, Bosch, Elica, Elleci, Electrolux, Liebherr, Faber, Whirlpool, Zanussi. Kitchen furniture from the Czech Republic and Germany. Kitchen sets. Kitchen furniture to order, kitchen sets, kitchen design, kitchen furniture. Kitchen Factory ‘HANAK’. Accessories, built-in appliances, parts for ovens, microwave, sink. Delivery to Kiev at our expense. The company ‘Aurora’ is one of the largest suppliers of washing machines, dishwashers, gas and electric stoves, refrigerators and built-in appliances (ovens and surfaces) of popular brands: Ariston, Elica, Ardo, Bosch, Siemens, Whirlpool, Electrolux, Zanussi, AEG.

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