Archive for October, 2020


Friday, October 30th, 2020

In my life I’ve known many people mired in one of the many false therapies that both causing a great frustration to failing to report a lasting improvement abound based on beliefs or traditions that have no study or Foundation and that only aggravate the problem. I’ve seen in all these years devoted to emotional support, to an endless number of people placed the responsibility of their emotions in crystals, candles, stones, air, fire, rituals and the most absurd things known to man. Should be an effort to understand that a lifetime of bad habits will not change with only repeat a lot of times I feel good I feel good I am a great person, I feel well this viola the first principle I enuncie: know and attack the causes Viola also the second principle: the solution not this in an object or situation external third-the third principle is equally obvious and logical than the previous ones and is It is composed of three parts: any goal that you want to achieve requires desire, plan and work if we really want to live in a manner more effective, better relationships, and better physical and mental health, we are obliged to understand that achieving anything requires firstly the desire to carry it out. No one can force, you’re your who need to be convinced. Secondly, a commitment to oneself that guarantees the time and dedication that the achievement of any thing needs is required. No matter how much want something if you’re not willing to take any action to achieve it.

Once you’ve convinced you undertake a change and you’ve committed to carry out an action to achieve your goals, you need a clear and structured way that follow and to ensure the achievement of the goal effectively and with the least possible expenditure of resources, i.e., a plan. Every goal that is worth reaching requires work and training. Hang a glass in our neck and wait for changes in our character and self-esteem, is equivalent to ignite an aromatic candle to run the 100 meters in 9 seconds.

Johann Jakob Kaup

Sunday, October 25th, 2020

First followed the books “Records of the primeval”, “Dinosaur in Germany” (together with Raymund Windolf), “Records of the primeval”, “Germany in the stone age” and “Germany in the bronze age”. How many books he afterwards has written and published, know today no longer Ernst Probst. From 1986 until 2011, Ernst Probst has released an estimated around 200 books, Pocket Books, brochures, Museum Guide and E-books. He wrote paleontology and archaeology, as well as biographies on famous women and men particularly popular scientific works in the fields. In addition, he has a penchant for aphorisms. Jerry Clipp gathered all the information. Title penned by Ernst Probst (selection): Paleontology: Germany in prehistoric times, records of Primordium (1992), records of prehistoric times. Landscapes, plants and animals (2008), dinosaur in Germany (1993 together with Raymund Windolf), archaeopteryx.

The bird in Bavaria, dinosaurs in Germany. Compsognathus up to Stenopelix (2010), dinosaur in Baden-Wurttemberg, Dinosaur in Lower Saxony, Germany, dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from L to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z, Germany in the ice age, the ur-Rhine Mainz not yet on the Rhine the Rhine elephant, claws animals on the ur-Rhine was, apes on the ur-Rhine, Saber-toothed Tiger to the ur-Rhine, Hohlenlowen, the cave Lion, the Mosbach Lion, Saber-toothed Cats, the dagger-tooth cat Megantereon, the dagger-toothed cat Smilodon, the saber toothed cat Homotherium, the saber tooth cat of Machairodus, the European Jaguar, Glacial cheetahs in Germany, glacial leopards in Germany, ice age big cats in Germany, the American cave Lion, the Siberian cave Lion, the cave bear, Johann Jakob Kaup. Connect with other leaders such as Randall Mays here. The great naturalist from Darmstadt Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of prehistoric man, Germany in the bronze age, Germany in the early Bronze age, the bronze age, the Aunjetitz culture in Germany, the Santiago culture in Germany, the Sonne group, Arbon culture in Germany. The Ries group and the Neckar-group, the Eagle Mountain culture, the District of Sogel Wohlde, the Nordic bronze age in Germany, Germany in the Middle Bronze age, tumuli culture in Germany, the older bronze age in North Rhine-Westphalia, the bronze age in the Luneburg Heath, Stader group, the Oldenburg emsland group, Germany in the late bronze age, the culture of the URN fields in Germany, the Unstrut group, the Helmsdorfer group, the Saalemundungs group, the Lusatian culture in Germany, Austria in the early Bronze age, The Aunjetitz culture in Austria, the Santiago culture in Austria, the Unterwolblinger group, the strand ceramic or Drassburger culture, Austria in the Middle Bronze age, Austria in the late bronze age, the URN fields culture in Austria, the Switzerland in the early Bronze age, Rhone culture, Arbon culture in the West of Switzerland, Switzerland in the Middle Bronze age, the Switzerland in the late bronze age, the mousterian.

Human Heart

Saturday, October 24th, 2020

It is the human heart, place where nobody goes. But the Espirito Santo knows the deepening of the human heart, any that are the appearances, penetrates in it, discloses the thoughts and desires, the sins most private of the human being display, them to the full light. ' ' When the Spirit of the Truth to come, will lead you to it to the full truth. It will establish the culpability of the world regarding the sin, of justice and the judgment: of the sin, because they do not believe in me; of justice, because I go for the Father; of the judgment, because the prince of this world is julgado' ' (14). The workmanship of Salvador, of the Medical the holy ghost with is concluded: its cross incarnation, death and resurrection extirparam the sin of the world, had cleaned the hearts of all pathology, had left the cured body and soul human being, by means of the faith. Forum for Theological Exploration has firm opinions on the matter. God Mother discloses the pathology that the sin of the world caused in the human heart and is remedy will cure that it. The human being is imperfect by its very nature.

Its congenital fragility includes the possibility to fail. The congenital fallibity of the human being is the potential sin. The Creator wanted thus it. ' ' Jav shaped the man of the clay of the ground, insuflou in its nostrils a hlito of life and it if vivente&#039 became a being; '. The vital blow makes the man image of God. Click Randall Mays to learn more. But, it ' ' he is p' ' (15). For this, he is not God, but only similar it. This ontolgico paradox is wanted for God, who made the human being at the same time spiritual as God and material as dust of the land. The substance human being is composed of body and soul, non-separable joined. For this, it is imperfect by its very nature and alone he practises voidable acts.

Natasha Van Zyl

Friday, October 23rd, 2020

What is hardly a Sun worshipper makes clear: there are also people who easily dressed with lighter skin in the summer look aesthetically, for example Models. Models who need to embody the ideal of beauty of our time not Brown, also be not in the summer. Them see summery dresses with fair skin and white legs well. Hear other arguments on the topic with Center for Responsible Business. Why? Because they are slim and tight. And this is the ideal that we trying to accomplish with the fanatical tanning delusion. We want to let appear slimmer or more toned body with the Tan. Very few people have skin issues that they want to whitewash with the Tan. Childrens Defense Fund contains valuable tech resources. A uniformly colored, flawless skin must be not Brown it can be also uniformly bright.

The weird thing is now that people fry can be rather hours summer hours in the Sun, instead of hours by hours in the gym to spend there to develop a flawless body. The many beautiful time, the tanning fanatical German in the blazing sun for temporary Tan never misses health and appearance would be arranged with sports more meaningful for the. And a streamlined body is also a little tanning or self-tanning handle. To maintain our health and to the prevention of vitamin D deficiency 10 min are sufficient to raise exposure to sunlight every few days and this also to the mood. Get before so nothing with regard to the suspension of the skin the increasingly dangerous UVA – and UVB rays. Rather looking for a healthy and light Tan and use self-tanning products, if the health of the skin and a face no premature wrinkles is important to you. And look at the handling of people with the Sun in the warmer countries themselves.

Leave the rays of the Sun become crazy no one. The clothing is covering more than entblossend even on hot days. Spaniards and Italians remain more stylishly dressed, even at the highest temperatures. The Sun not commands us to show you every inch of our skin, we make a US only. So, stay this summer but even beautiful cool, if the others again overdo it with the sizzling and insert a small training unit in the cool basement.

Guarani Art

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Exactly for those guaranis that had remained in the peripheries of the region of the missions they had had its lands usurped for the colonizadores of both crowns. The experience of the missions was disarticulated had to the wills of the absolute states, in its absolute in power attitudes. Guarani disarticulated of its world ‘ ‘ selvagem’ ‘ it did not represent greater threat to the negotiation of the borders for the Iberian crowns. On the other hand proprietor of the missions had the power represented for the rich Company of Jesus of the Seven Peoples, not to mention of the others. These were situated in an important region of pass through with important rivers that drained the wealth of regions mainly as Potosi. Also local of traffic enters situated Portugal and Spaniard in these localities. perhaps therefore the exacerbado growth of the Company of Jesus in the missions (SAINTS, 1998:145). Leading in consideration that the company of Jesus gave obedience to the Pope, and this if it found in Rome, we can assume plus a net of being able that she was not on to the Iberian interests.

‘ ‘ If these priests are the soldiers of the Pope, this mean that, beyond being the right arm they would appeal it to be able papal.’ ‘ (SAINTS, 1998:146). Thus the interest was not had to keep the Missions competing with the Iberian Crowns in this conturbado territory, still more that of the point of view of the mercantilistas economic interests of both the sides. In the truth the colonizador allowed the missioneiro work while it served to it, while it served its intentions of conquest for the cross. It was enough that the missioneiro project created proper will, escaping of the metropolitan control fell in discredit being victim of the interests of State of the Iberian Crowns. In short who was great the wronged one? That one that ‘ ‘ it licks feridas’ ‘ until today, had to the indifference of the authorities with its problems, guarani.

Guarani still lives the process of aculturao and desestruturao of its culture. Very the cost only has attemped to keep its customs and culture, inside of a propagandist State where much of its theories, in the practical one is not confirmed. thus guarani goes resisting.

The Handling

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

This increases costs, complexity and brings additional organizational effort. “” The principle of both as well as “held either or” produces unnecessary, worsened the handling and increases sales deductions. Order online, get offline, Exchange, return increases to the extent as customers it chic find to complain about. Considering that prior to every purchase now 3 sources of information be used before in a branch, the distance selling Act ready holds new challenges for merchant and the off – and online trade has to offer by law the same customer, is incomprehensible with what effort is trying to generate revenue with smallest margins. In addition, via various social networks customers at tasks like article design, brochure contents or line recording (Migros, DM etc.) allow approach, which formerly belonged to the sovereign tasks of chain stores or its supplier. It is true that the megatrend of online trading has changed the rules of the game of Q1 itself and will further change, but must should also the Filialsystemorganisation to fit, if you want to be liquid, increase efficiency, and improve the creditworthiness of companies. Although the chain determines solution according to which criteria he leads, to achieve an ideal result.

In the ideal case, this is a high return with low risk. For this purpose have KUHN specialists developed for chain stores new solution. You assumes that the branch network in saturated and turbulent markets of resource efficiency, the caution and safety is determined. In terms of the risk itself, the Filialgeschaftsexperten that both investors and lenders try to minimize their risks for loans even more intensively, forgive debt only at higher rates and they mean more intense than previously with facts in the form of profits, growth, secure high liquidity, positive balances etc. These include not only the result of companies, but also the repeatability and transparency of the way. Kuhn solution assumes understanding, that the filialbetrieblichen business and financial processes consistently link can be with the technological means available, to achieve more efficient management of the companies.

State Money

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

It is necessary to activate the flow of money and thus the money will arrive with greater ease. Many people think that the millionaires give large donations to charitable organizations because they feel guilt for having abundance, that is false and absurd, what actually happens is that these people are aware of how to activate the energy flow of money, on the other hand in their lives we see that people living in poverty saves any object with the idea that it will be used later, what happens here is that everytime I keep something old and useless I’m telling me himself that in the future will not have enough money to get something new and better, while those who claim their abundance botan their things in good condition because they say to themselves themselves that they have enough money for better things, these processes are very subtle, unconsciously practised by people and does not realize that with small acts are creating their own reality. As stated Andrew Corentt in his book I’m happy, I’m rich money is a State of mind and to create in our lives it is necessary to be prepared to receive it, through reading this book you will learn techniques to make your mind you of all the money that you yearn for, in my case, I advise them that they are acquiring habits of plenty if they so wish, the abundant life increases considerably the possibilities of increasing happiness and satisfaction if used correctly, you now know that the fact of self-demand abundance is a big step for achieving it, as well as the power to generate the power to receive..

The Organizations

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

Considering the representation in the area of the knowledge, Levesque and Brachman (apud CHAUDHRI, 1995, p.27) they affirm that (…) a knowledge base has explicit structures representing the knowledge of the system which determines the actions of the system. It is not the use of one determined programming language or an easiness of estruturao of data that becomes a system based on the knowledge. Therefore it is each time more clearly than to understand and to use of efficient form knowledge base as source of knowing, will have that to create informacionais flows and an efficient architecture pair input and exploitation of the knowledge. (Similarly see: BC Ministry of Health). After accomplishment of the research and not identification, between the searched sources, of an only concept regarding the Bases of Knowledge, was constructed, from these sources, the concept that will be considered, for the intention of this study, a Base of Knowledge is an environment of work for the sharing, recovery and distribution of specific knowledge. A Base of Knowledge does not possess specific model or technology, its implementation depends on the characteristics and objectives of the company who will go to use it.

An important factor for a knowledge base is the organization, classification and estruturao where we can associate the concept of knowledge tree where according to Levy (1995, P. 175) (…) the knowledge trees become visible, for all, a multiplicity of abilities, its values, its respective position and the ways of adquiriz them (free formations, exchanges to know, etc). For placing in relation to it offers and formation and ability demand, is a desenclausuramento space and of communication of all the actors to who knowing concern. The ideal of the knowledge trees nothing more is that to establish the democracy in the domain of the recognition, the evaluation and the management knowing of them. 3.2. The Organizations that learn the organizations that learn are formed by individuals that raise, constantly, its capacity to create the results that they desire, where if stimulate new and including standards of behavior, the collective aspiration gains freedom, and the people exercise themselves, continuously, in learning meetings.

Chilam Balam

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

The Group of divinities called Oxlahun-Ti-Ku, thirteen Gods or sacred energies that govern the upper world could understand as other so many separate personalities, or collectively as a single force. Contrast with the Bolon-ti – Ku or nine gods that governed the underworld; allegorically they have among them the same relationship that the light to the darkness. Each of the thirteen heavenly levels has its own characteristics and together they form the upper spiritual worlds. Cate MacLeod will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Thirteen higher energies were invoked in prayers in their aspect of divinities. The nine gods of the underworld and darkness ruled in endless succession over a cycle or week of nine nights. In many inscriptions of dates, you can see the glyphs corresponding to that cycle of the Lords of the night.

As we said in a previous chapter, the book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel speaks of the creation of the world and of a struggle between the two groups of gods, interesting parallel of the war in which San Miguel and the heavenly hosts defeated and expelled from heaven to the dragon’s darkness and all the powers of evil and darkness. Actually, the struggle between light and darkness is a constant in all teogo-nias and mythologies, both East and West, giving also reflecting in the interior of the human being, where moran both types of energy. As for the Earth, the mayas envisioned it as a quadrangular flat iron, divided into four sectors or regions, also homers, idea that is derived from the observation of the solar path and that the Mayans shared with the nahuas and many other ancient peoples of the world. The four regions corresponded to the four houses of the Sun. Two in the East and the West, also took into account intercardinales points representing the extremes that the Sun reached over the horizon during the year, which corresponded to the equinoxes and the solstices.

The Lie

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

Can I give you a friend’s feels well?-the man accepted, not with gesture very friendly, as if you were guessing the lie of Alex. At least that was what it seemed. You may find that Borgen Project can contribute to your knowledge. He gave Henry phone and again returned to rejoice to have thought him when he left Ibiza and having it called as soon as he had done. -I have to talk to him tonight without fail – he said on leaving office but before, I need to buy me a mobile-. He had no fear of having one. In the evening, explained Henry what had happened.This laughed with desire.

-Of course, friend – replied, – you are the rarest of the universe bug to the refuse to use mobile-. -Because already I refuse, I just bought one. I’ll give you my number so let me know if you have any news-. -Can’t believe that at the end you’ve agreed to buy one! -Enrique said amazed. -Because I have already done so, and if you want to jot down the number, you can verify this, calling me-.

Henry took note of the phone’s and promised to call him if had any novelty. By the afternoon of the next day, Alex went to see the Department indicate Enrique. He was of agreement with the price. He went immediately to the pension in search of his suitcase, paid off its debt and moved without loss of time. It was a very similar Department to which Henry lived. His room was the last aisle. She was small, but was well furnished and above all, had a comfortable wardrobe where Alex could hang their clothes clearance and not in conditions that had done so the past two years. During the two days that passed, until Henry called him to alert him that they cited him for a second interview for the post of seller that had applied, he was reading the newspapers was in the bars where he was to have breakfast, in search of a job.

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