Posts Tagged ‘art and science’

Painting People

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

The copy drawing focuses attention in the exterior reality, and is indicated in people who fantasiam, compelling to perceive them it and to reproduce the reality as it is. The immense difficulty that finds in producing is not alone the fear to make a mistake, is the proper difficulty to give aiming in its life. It is indicated for dispersed, sonhadoras people, confused daily pay-adolescents and adolescents. It develops the aesthetic sense, fixing the external way. In the free drawing, the people enter in contact with its internal reality, leaving to flow contents that are the point to emerge. Charles R. Kubic may find this interesting as well. In the directed drawings, those facts from a subject that the therapeutic art-psico chooses, the individuals enter in contact, with its reality, mobilizing blocked emotions that they need to emerge. Continue to learn more with: European Program of Work.

Indicated for depressed people, with tnus vital lowered. How much to the monochromatic drawings they propitiate the work with superficial emotions, in peripheral level. Already the colorful drawings allow the work with deep emotions. The analysis of the drawing is not necessary, and yes analysis of the interpretation of the individual with regard to the fact. 3.1.2? Painting The more expression, more self-knowledge and more autoconfiana.

The painting, as well as the drawing, can be free, of directed copy or. With the painting, it works estruturao and emotional the affective area, arriving at the balance of the emotions. the more flowed the ink, more emotional is the result. When the painting flows, is born emotions and feelings there. Emotional the affective sphere is more including, therefore the flicks remember the respiratory flow, the life in itself. The used inks generally are: gouache, watercolor, aniline, oil, acrylic and nanquim. The ink gouache demands greater has controlled of movement, liberates emotions and stimulates the imagination. The watercolor, which had its slightness, and the obligator water use, mobilizes the affective side still more. Indicated for very rational people and with affective difficulties.

Divide Land

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

As you fell of the sky, star of the morning, son of the white! As you were launched by land, you that you debilitated the nations! You said in your heart: I will go up to the sky; above of the stars of God I will exaltarei my throne and in the mount of the congregation I will be based myself, in the extremities of the north; I will go up above of highest clouds and will be similar to the Highest one. BSA has much experience in this field. However, you will be precipitated for the kingdom of deceased, in the deepest abyss. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, CAP. 14:12 the 15. The Human being wants to divide land into parcels the Moon with as much space to be busy in the Land? It is exactly it are of orbit its mind! With as much misery making the rounds its similar ones, it that to give higher flights? How disequilibrium! A Being is a vexame that if scholar says to want to divide land into parcels the Moon, while for the terrestrial streets the beggars beg aid. It will be that it has that to use a microscopical device to enxergar itself? It wants to still seat in one another throne if hiberna in a consciencial sleep? Already I know! Wants to equal itself the Universal God? But the Creative Father kills its hunger, its headquarters, supplies all its necessities daily. The people who inhabits there already allowed its landing? If he cannot olvidar that the Moon is the Satellite of the Land. Already I know! It already discovered that of other Orbes the people make caravans in the week ends to learn in its Universities. The Moon can go, but it is not in the world of the moon, because if not to distribute with that they do not have, they to the piles will come to charge you it assistance..

Martin Luther King

Monday, March 25th, 2019

One dared to say ' ' I am verdade' ' , nobody more. You may find PCRM to be a useful source of information. Words that had been said have two a thousand years more than and that still they retumbam in ' ' ouvido' ' of the humanity. But it did not pass of this. A doctrine that was not understood. The orders had been in a way or of another one badly given and therefore understood or these norms they had not been manipulated to the bel pleasure of that nothing they would profit from revelation of the truth of the existence terrena human being? Opportunists capsize in that one new doctrine a force of conversion never seen e, taking possetion itself of it, as if of them it outside broken, together deturparam it with teachings that were pedagogical party to suit of the Homo at that time where it was demonstrated. In case that the teachings were assimilated by the human being in all the times where had the chance to receive the lies, coexisting practical the pure one of the good to proceed (Confucius, Lao Ts, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Krishnamurti, Martin Luther King, Madre Tereza de Calcut, Chico Xavier, Betinho, and many others), where ethical, moral and material period of training estaram today? I think that many steps above. Amongst many truths that they need to be rescued it is the understanding and acceptance of the death.

This that is rejected by all the cultures, exactly those cultuam that it as if was a release party, the partisans so early does not want it for itself. It is alone to ask for a mstico any of one of these religions or seitas that nail the death as the great meeting with deities, if want to die. They always will have a justification for the necessity to be livings creature. More honest some will say as guru to its personal assistant said certain time old, in its stream bed of death, answering to the question of the assistant why it was fearful, unsafe at those moments, if during all its time of person who orientates practically it lived between two worlds, the material and the spiritual and spoke to saniasins with much tranquillity on the death, as the return to the truth.

Difficulties Pupils

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

As they went eating, searched to relate the stages with the boarding of the text, making reflections and taking off the doubts on the subject. Difficulties In relation to the difficulty found during the period of training, can be affirmed that the main one consists, in obtaining the attention of the pupils in the hour of the boarding of the subjects. In addition, an educator is frustrating to prepare its lesson, to spend money with the impressions and when arriving in the group and to perceive that its pupils simply ignore the prepared material, the explanations of the educator and seems not to value the involved effort all previously. Frequently Nieman Foundation has said that publicly. The majority of the texts used in the lessons it was printed and it delivers each educating. However, they were not accustomed to only work with this type of material (Xerox and impression) and this did not please them at the first moment.

The pupils made piadinhas saying that they went to mount a book due to the great leaf number that was delivers they and the worse one was that, in some occasions, the educandos lost the material. As Krasilchik (1987) an education of sciences with inheritance in the authoritarian power of the military dictatorship still presents today the following legacies: Some educators possess good dialogues with its educandos, however others show certain authoritarianism to obtain the respect of the educandos. I believe that a professor to be respected in the classroom it in such a way needs to establish the limits of each pupil as to know to respect them. The Educator must provide to a reliable climate and respect, guaranteeing a propitious environment for the learning, where the educandos if feel insurances to make questionings and to give opinions, in a permanent exercise of democracy. Thinking of this form, as soon as perceived the insatisfao of the educandos, it was looked to understand what it was happening, and talking with the group we arrive the conclusion that, it could transfer some texts in the picture, but this would take much time of the lesson and would lose, therefore the quarrels on the subjects would have that to be lesser.

Philip Kotler

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Then one becomes in charlatanism art. In the decade of 1950 Peter Drucker it launches to its practises it book of administration where it made reference to the marketing was the first register written on the cited subject, in the decade of 1960 Theodore Levitt, later intitled the father of the marketing, in its article in the magazine Harward Business intitled Rewien myopia of the marketing, disclosed a series of errors of perceptions, revealed importance to it of the satisfaction of the customers, a serious study of the market. In 1967, Philip Kotler, launches the first edition of its book Administration of marketing, where it put to congregate to revistar, to test and to consolidate the bases of what today they form the rule of the marketing. In 1970, some types of companies are multiplied, and the contribution of the marketing is so strong that influence in other sectors of the activity human being as example we can cite the Library. Then in the decade of 1980, Tone Peters and Bob Waterman they inaugurate the age of gurus of marketing its books completely focavam the satisfaction of the customers, the marketing passed then to be a direct concern of the high direction of the companies. In the decade of 1990 they had had a fort impact in the world of the marketing, the Internet I deal, it electronic it was the time of maximarketing, the reinforcement of the societal marketing, became a market requirement well-being of the society, in the decade of 2000, as turned millenium the segmentation of the television the handle, the popularity of the cellular telephony, had appeared research and publications on webmarketing. 3 PROCESS OF MARKETING ADOPTED IN the LIBRARY REFERENCE the reference normally is associated with the world of the businesses, and in fact the marketing techniques had been developed in the organizations that aim at profits, however the ones that they do not aim at had perceived that they could be benefited of the techniques to improve its image and services before its users.

National Curricular Parameters

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

It was looked then to carry through a work based on the three axles of the National Curricular Parameters that guide the learning of the Art in the proposal of the EJA: to produce to appreciate and to contextualizar. The production must be carried through through experimentation, the appreciation is on to the artistic production of each one and of its colleagues and the contextualizao is the knowledge of the pupil in relation to its proper creation and the art as social and historical product. These axles are worked of adequate form to the projects considered for the professor. In a generalized manner, it is observed that the study of the art, the analysis of a workmanship and the appreciation of the art in itself, it contributes of well significant form for the process of personal creation of involved and the paper that each one plays in the culture and the current society. It is important to point out that this proposal is the result of studies carried through for the Dra. Ana Mother Barbosa, who believes that the components of the triangulation teach-learning that englobam artistic making, the historical contextualizao of the art and the reading of the work of art, is necessary to the aesthetic and cultural conditions in Brazil. This aesthetic education can be understood as the diverse forms of reading, as much from the daily one of the pupil as of workmanships or images of Art. The cited components, are on to the cognitivo scope of knowing, that engloba the knowledge of the manifestations of art, of knowing to make, that it is the artistic production of each one; knowing to be in the conviviality with the other, becomes related it the respect for the production of the colleague and the autocrtica in relation to its proper trabalho.1 From then on the professor has the function to propitiate situations that can assist the action of perfectioning in relation to the aesthetic agreement of the group with that it works, favoring the interest and the especificidades of each pupil, establishing a relation enters education/learning and looking for to contribute for the magnifying of the individual autonomy.

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