Posts Tagged ‘summaries and summaries’

The Stories

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

In such a way they know the good and the evil and find a referencial that will help them in the choice of the person who it will go to act, being able to perceive the advantages of the virtue, forms an ethical conscience and to construct its identity. The Stories of Fairies assist the children to deal with the anxiety and to surpass obstacles. Visit Edhi Foundation for more clarity on the issue. In this way, it is of extreme importance as the Stories are a way of psicopedaggica intervention, therefore it is a literary sort that propitiates the unconscious projection of fancies, that deals with the accomplishment of desires and if it relates you distress to them. The magic of Stories of Fairies is in leaving them to flow, giving to wing the imagination in making possible that psicopedagogo and patient share new emotions, to use the creativity and finally the fancy. The magic of stories of fairies All we, at some moment of infancy, live under the enchantments of stories of fairies. The scare, the pleasure, the fear, the sadness, the joy, at last, the sets of ten of express feelings in the face of the children when hearing these histories. What they despertam in the imaginary one of the children who fascinate them to as much? The stories of fairies exist it has thousand of years, in diverse cultures, all the world.

Nowadays, studious of the entire world in the area of the mental health and the education they had passed to interest for the analysis of myths, legends, and stories of fairies. We can understand, then, the deep symbolic wealth and the utility of these histories, that are important part of our cultural patrimony. The psicanaltica vision has in the helped one to answer some questions: – After all, why the children adore that let us recount stories for diverse times? Infantile literature if has shown to great allied in the process of development of the individuals in growth, bringing in its context moral, danger situations, that is, what it is certain what is missed, obedience and disobedience, subjects as death, separation of parents and many others.

Without Borders

Thursday, October 19th, 2017

In one of those balls to raise deep on behalf of the children of Africa, Sarah Nick knows, a doctor who invades the event to the side of an African boy who deferred payment in the village in which he works as voluntary. It is in the supper in order to alert in relation pssima condition of the Etipia and to denounce the attention lack that they receive. Therefore, nobody better to follow it of what the black boy, small esqulido e. But the only sincere attention that it obtains is of Sarah that, made an impression with ' ' invaso' ' of Nick, it decides to join all its economies and to personally take trucks of provisions and vaccines to the African country, that do not last more than what four days. What it sees there is not nothing pretty, people apodrecendo alive literally, are covered of flies while they torram on the hot sun. The government neglecting helps the group of Nick, whereas the volunteers make what they can not to lose less of what 40 people to the day. The doctor, clearly, does not receive the socialite very well.

After all, for it, its intentions are not very true. It does not trust it that, in two days, he goes even so for London. When the film of the one jump of some years, we see that the wealth of the family of Sarah if had been, but its will to help to countries ' ' less favorecidos' ' not. It also works with volunteers who are in the cantos more longes and villains of the world, as a form to continue knowing of the paradeiro of Nick, to who it never more forgot. E, clearly, to prove that its intentions in Africa were true. Nick fights so that its group of volunteers continues receiving aid travels the world to help isolated and desolate villages for illnesses, threatened for the violence of the local governing and for the misery. Sarah fights so that its love for the doctor is consummated and without leaving to make the good, as well as Nick. Love Without Borders is a romance in a drama. The drama is not for the failures in meeting that happen between the couple throughout history, but yes for the situation of the places portraying the atrocities lived for the victims of the hunger, the war, the difficulties in leading it helps to the poor countries and the quandaries lived for the volunteers of the ONGS. But most important of history it is to show the lack of sensitivity of the governing, and that many insist on ignoring.

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