Posts Tagged ‘education’


Friday, May 5th, 2017

The letramento is a process continues, that for signal it is not only about decoding of letters, sounds, signals, and yes of that to be always in movement and happens throughout the life. The reading and the writing were a discutio point as cause of the failure pertaining to school, everything this can happen due to difficulty and the lack of resources and the theoretical formation of the professors faced for the public school, this affects in the process of alfabetizao in the guarantee of the development of the abilities necessary to form a good reader. Therefore, to guarantee the success of the pupils in the acquisition of the reading and the writing in the initial series of the education in the field the practical quarrel of the pedagogical one of the professors in the exercise of the planning was necessary, inside registers and evaluation of the respect the joined diversities and the individual identity. It was observed that for promotion of a quality education is necessary the attendance personalized for such pupils, therefore the rooms are multisseriadas and in many of the times its necessities were not taken care of due to supercapacity of the rooms, therefore one of the goals was to the action of the planning made for the professors of collective and individual form. Another interesting study made during the period of the work with the professors and pupils it was the study of psicognese of the written language, that since the decade of 80 is come close arguing written that according to PCNs (BRAZIL, 1996, p.21), these works had helped to understand important aspects of the learning of the reading and the writing.

Psychology Promotion

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

Lednalva Oliveira Lamb Baptist Summary the present Project of psychopedagogic research is part of the estimated one of that the action of would parceiria psicopedaggica fonoaudiolgica carried through in the school it is determined by different profiles of performance, amongst them what it aims at to the promotion of the physical and mental health. Of this form, objective of this work is to verify which is the actions carried through for the fonoaudilogos, in order to inquire the relation (or not) with the assessorship proposal entailed pertaining to school to the idea of promotion of the learning inside of the boarding of the arteterapia. For in such a way, three fonoaudilogas had been interviewed, and the analysis of data promoted the verification of different atreladas actions the distinct profiles of performance. The gotten results point with respect to the existence of some entailed proposals to the notion of promotion of the learning. Word-key: Fonoaudiologia; Psicopedagogia, arteterapia and learning.

promoting learning within the art therapyapproach.You this end, we interviewed three speech therapists, and dates analysispromoted the verification of different actions tied you distinct profiles of action.Several The results obtained indicate the existence of proposals related you the notion of promoting learning. Keywords:Speech Therapy, Psychology, Art Therapy and learning. Introduction. The objective of the research was to analyze the relevancy of the use of the arteterapia in> fonoaudiolgico work, with sights to the communicative whitewashing and the rescue of the pupils as interlocutors capable to circulate for some situations and contexts discursivos, over all if heard in its necessities and validated in the condition of citizens. The arteterapia operates by means of the aesthetic expression as device to help the citizens in the elaboration, the expression and the equacionamento of its conflicts. Its joint with the fonoaudiologia, in the handling with relationary and subjective dimensions, potencializou the work with the language and the communication of the participants of the research, extending dialgicas and interacionais possibilities.

Losing Belly Fat

Monday, October 28th, 2013

In the present society to have general a flat belly, means the aptitude and the health. Although this not always is thus, the majority of the people with flat abdomen do not have good health, better generally than with the people who have the fat of the belly. So for that they have the abdominal fat, the most frequent question is the way to lose quickly greasy of the stomach. Good, the honest answer is that besides the surgery as liposuction is no fast way to lose the fat of its intestine. But the good news is that you can do something to accelerate the process. If you have a very great belly, the unique way to undo of him is to lose weight.

There is no way that you can stain you reduce the fat of his belly. The body does not work of that way. So olvdate of all those machines of ab that you see in television. If its stomach is covered with fat, it does not matter if it does 2000 abdominal ones to the day is not going to reduce his fat gut. Now the fastest way to lose weight is for creating a good diet that favors loss of weight. I am not speaking of ” to starve ” until death; diet here. I am speaking of reasonable a nutritional plan that will help its metabolism and it will help him to burn those pounds of not wished and finally to undo of its fat of the belly for always. First that there is to concentrate itself in it is to reduce the food consumption that is made of refined flour or foods with high carbohydrate content.

You must remain far from white bread, rice, cakes etc, and also she must stay remote of any sweet thing, and that includes sweet drinks like refreshments of tail and frozen tea. The reason for which it needs to stay remote of this type of foods, whereas you are trying to lose weight must to that the high carbohydrate insulin increases foods in our body. If its insulin levels, your body stores the fat. This it is a natural mechanism of self-defense of the body, but the fat reserves it needs in case it. You necessity to incorporate proteins in your diet, you must have proteins in each of your meals. that it does is the protein that helps to process carbohydrates fastest reason why it is not going to increase the insulin so that its body not to store the fat. But it is easier to say the one than to do it, in the present world it is difficult to eat any thing that does not have refined flour or sugar. So you also need to make exercise to help his body to burn remaining carbohydrates that ate and the fats stored in its body Best Fat burners? FAT BURNERs- Why L-carnitine is the safest but takes the longest? Top 20 Best Selling Fat Burners AT 10DayDiets? Diet pills that help you lose pounds and make to better your health?

Sinyavino Settlers

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Each dispossessed family, and each has developed special settler has his own destiny, but the beginning of the fate of their brutal, dramatic and tragic. Millions of innocent people, victims of repressive policies and practices dispossession, passed through the lawlessness and lawlessness, looting and violence, denial of basic human rights, hardships and extreme conditions of life. They for years have experienced hunger and cold, massive epidemics, convict working conditions, the dying groans heard their elders and children. Many have survived and survived in these harsh conditions: educated, have become qualified, have proven their patriotism during World War II, survived the Gulag system of special settlements, have civil rights, have taken a decent social status in society, becoming scientists, statesmen and politicians. About one million of special settlers and could not return to his small home, which gave them life. Their ashes will forever remain in the permafrost of the tundra and polar Yakutia, taiga lands north and Siberia, the steppes of Kazakhstan, peat bogs Sinyavino. One died at forty degrees frost in infancy, while others went out of life, and not knowing the bliss of love, helpless old people died in commercial levels or camp barracks heavy, painful death.

This tragic picture is not the author's fiction, but a harsh reality. This is evidenced by historical facts. In the archives of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk region is stored Fund 51 – Collection Personal files of persons sent to special settlements in the 30s on the Kola Peninsula. This fund was established in 1930 with the arrival on our territory first echelon of special settlers, but the bulk of personal files was formalized department special settlements since 1949 in this fund contains 6370 personal files on the heads of families of special settlers. Each case in some way reveals the drama and tragedy of a family, dispossessed and subjected to deportation. Special settlers in MURMANSK REGION STORIES

Higher Education

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Education in French universities? is not only prestigious, but also beneficial from a financial point of view. After training in France virtually free. Foreign students studying in French universities, fall there for different reasons: some people like the French language, to someone like France itself, someone walks in the footsteps of their parents, and someone connected his future career with the Francophone world. Guarantor of the quality of education, both in public schools, and private advocates state. It is true it should be noted that employers give preference to graduates of public schools. Higher education in France is one of the lowest in the world.

Most of the costs borne by the State. The student must pay a registration fee (its size is set by the state, and he is one for French students, and foreign). To this we must add the annual scholarships that may cover not only training, but also accommodation. Eligible for scholarships and French and foreign students. To enroll in the French higher education institution must be on time and successfully complete all requirements for admission. What are these requirements? For foreign applicants is it? equivalency diploma and level of education, knowledge of French language, certified by a special certificate on successful international exams in a foreign language or special tests in a foreign language, as well as evidence of financial solvency. Yes, education is free.

But we need to pay the registration fee, annual health insurance to pay for textbooks and living expenses. Just say that the domestic certificate of high school graduation for entrance into French university is not enough, because it is not equivalent to the French YOU. What to do? The easiest way to enter the home university to be trained there at least a year, than at the specialty for which you plan to trained in France, and then provide a certificate from this university. But again, whether to recognize such a statement equivalent to the French YOU? all within the competence of the French educational institution where you intend to do. Criteria for enrollment? full prerogative of the institution. Absolute demand? knowledge of French. All applicants must pass exams TSF-U and the results of which must be shown in statement. The only exception? DALF diploma holders of these examinations may not take place. For admission to the first year the state educational institution necessarily need to issue the dossier appointment (DAP). For admission to private schools do not. Also, do not need those who entered the profession of creative competition. In a year you can make only one file, where you must specify the two universities. This is case the first you would refuse to accept. In addition to DAP also need your cover letter in which you have to justify their choice, why would you want to learn it was in France and in this university. In the letter, you must Tell us why you want to study it in this specialty and how to further plan to apply their knowledge, etc. For foreign students there are two ways to execute and submit documents: alone or to use the services of specialized agencies. Independent way? This, of course, the cheapest way, but, relying on professional service, you will be insured against all possible errors in paperwork. Such help international students seeking higher education in France, has the agency EduFrance.

Necessary Work

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

There are several ways to achieve this goal – putting a course project. First the most simple and effective – to solve the financial issue directly with the teacher without the project at all. However, in most cases it is impossible, since keep records of projects in the departments, and the majority of teachers of technical universities, in my opinion, fortunately not so corrupt. The second way – to order project implementation specialist. More detail. Here to make a choice between a variety of proposals in the virtual space.

Unambiguous choice in favor of people with experience of course projects, clearly capable illustrate his work. In this sense, should not “cling” for performers intentionally underbid the result may not be worth the wait, and promptly perform or order a draft before his surrender would be very difficult. As in any other case, must be addressed in a timely manner, so do not delay, the more time will be given orders to the course project, the more qualitative course project will be executed. When ordering a course project should indicate the most deployed in the source data to the project, the volume of the project: a graphic part (the number of formats, A1) and the text portion (the amount of explanatory notes the number of typewritten pages); requirements for registration of the project (the contents of the common parts in sections, registration of title page). The resulting project should be executed at least once to read and familiarize yourself with the content, it’s half term success in the protection of a course project. Is very important advice to their fellow students performers quality projects, in which case you can get significant discounts The third way – a classic: to carry out the work himself. In this case, before starting the work to prepare all the necessary methodological literature to explore sufficiently general guidance to the project implementation. Perform the work should be phased, with enough attention to each considering the issue, otherwise, any little thing wrong coefficient chosen, may lead to a complete alteration of the course project.

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