Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Memory Poetry

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

It walked slowly, savoring the plot of its new stories, and of already written;it knew where it went. Its clear caution evoked a wise profile deliciously. Medullary writer of diocesan and close histories, suddenly spoke and to his voice era of thunder. Refugee in my delayed fires I devoured the pleasure more in one go to only listen to him for me. As great artist of the brief story was to me too generous and I able was not to remove the sufficient force from my own springs to offer something to him consistent in return. Neither waited for it demanded nor it.

Memory when it spoke to me of the interesting moments of the Spanish poetry, good, as it liked to clarify, to be exact, of the Hispanic poetry, the poetry that uses the Spanish language like vehicle of artistic expression. It said to me that although, for example, surpasses us to France in other cultural scopes, those moments of its personal literary zenith, ” the lyrical finery does not have comparison with the Hispanic, friend Yago”. It considered, also, that in Portugal was also being written very good poetry: ” He is cierto” , it said to me then – and it happens equal today, ” perhaps that this literary sort is not read too much and is because the poetry is exaggerated the use of its minority resources, reason why in numerous occasions and stages it has been constituted in elite culture. Nevertheless, it is possible to be verified that the town mobilizes itself when the poetry counts something, for that reason the romancero is the summit of lyrical espaola”. These and similar things we chatted in a friendly way as if outside most natural of the world, honest with the company of the eternal Antonio Pereira that knew so well to combine its enterprise organization with the letters, those by which really lived until the point, he travelling impenitente, to be attemped (when the custom existed to request the vital activity in the national identity document and hotels) to put poet like profession. Then yes, it professed that, the creation, the art of the narration and the poetry. Antonio Pereira, profession: POET. Besides writing, it liked ” still more; to have escrito”.

But he was continuous ” to count and seguir” and in the same way he was in person. Of rondn, doing Gallic of his cosmopolitismo, even cosmopolitismo diocesan (word that hallucinated to him), the adventurer of amiable histories, so many impregnated times of smooth eroticism, the untiring slowed down creator, disappeared as by enchantment, enchanted to live and to follow. Antonio Pereira follows alive in its Foundation, its books, teaching and the universal decency of the slightest, loving and provincial Literature that a day the readers will read with the new satisfaction who are born after the 2022. It follows alive and shaking from his present dimension.

Subconscious Mind

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

The conscious mind is tie with the left side of the brain and it is related to the experience of the senses, works with the logic and it looks for a rational explanation for each circumstance, it is fundamental for our life but enough it is limited because it is based solely on the well-known, on the other hand we have the subconscious mind that is related to the creative and powerful part of the human being, is able to cause that the body works with extreme precision without at least we realize it, also creates each condition in our world in order that our internal beliefs are pronounced in this physical plane. As we see each mind has its function, both are necessary and complementary, the subconscious mind program on the basis of emotions and so that the ideas hold fast is required of a considerable time, this characteristic is essential because the power of the subconscious mind is phenomenal, which implies that it is very important to enter solely positive information as far as possible. At spiritual level they are all the capacities and knowledge that us we prune to imagine, the challenge then is to establish that connection between which we consciously wished and the source of being able of the subconscious mind, it is here where a series of efficient actions is necessary that are marking enormous differences in the life of the people. Perhaps you have asked yourself how we developed great abilities to write, to sing, to realise wonderful inventions, etc.? What we do is to connect our objective with the limitless power of our subconscious mind, it is like entering a magical world, where everything flows without limitations and truly that thus is, in the book Modifying Our System of Beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar we learn wonderful techniques that allow us to understand how to connect our desires with the power of the subconscious mind and to obtain that this book is pronounced what we wished for our life, when reading you you will know which are the actions that it must realise to have a full life of triumphs.

Mother Country

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

The break of my Mother country. " The mother country is happiness, pain and sky of all and not feudo nor chaplaincy of nadie." (Jose Mart) the word " Patria" it does not mean ground, nor laboratory of social experiments impelled by a dominant country. The word mother country agglutinates two basic representativenesses: first it aims inwards, that is to say: towards its settlers, the common coexistence under the inheritances, the customs, traditions, history, assumed from the childhood. Second evidently it is towards outside, that is to say the concert of the international community. Learn more at: Childrens Defense Fund. Then in a global world, already nobody is small barren island.

Doubt does not fit that, in a place where there is mother country, elements emphasize like: freedom, cooperating towards the communal property with loyalty and spirit on watch, everyone in the place that the destiny provided to him. The best mother country, without doubt is the one that respects the values morals, the one that it sustains to you, educates to you, gives health with quality, the one you that takes care of and guards by the surroundings, motivates to you towards the creativity and the critical thought, provides to you with stable-right sources of work and it lets to you live with the fruit of your effort. Mother country is not, to implement the theories of the chaos to benefit mine. Mother country is not to impose the brute force of villains who you envilece pester, you of taxes so that others are distributed gladly what you have won and of dessert they urge your children and costumary daughters to practice the perversion. Mother country is to prevail neither to run over all a nation, nor to say: " here control I and is made what I say cruel antojo". Mother country is not that the blood runs and is lightened, every day with deaths of women, men, children or adults all innocents or of people who raise their voices like flags.


Monday, August 8th, 2022

The relation between the sensorial and motor system consists of which as it is perceived by means of the organs of the senses it realises a process of information withdrawal, when processing these data the body allows to execute action motorboats, this is specified in the film ” At first sight ” when the protagonist by means of senses as the ear and the tact can be mobilized without undergoing no slip, an example of this is when the bus gets to gather it, it knows perfectly which is its bus by the characteristic sound that presents/displays, in addition can coordinate the movements when raising this without undergoing no fall, at first sight seemed that it was seeing what did. If you are not convinced, visit Alona Tal. The perception of the color and the experience (memory of the color), it depends on the wavelengths that are present in the atmosphere which they are caught by the canes and the cones, since the atmosphere canes of little illumination serve in order to perceive in black and white, whereas the cones are used in the chromatic vision and spaces of much illumination, after it is collected by means of the cones or canes, is the experience the one that indicated the person who according to the context in which are the objects and observed atmospheres at first sight will have the same color that the first time that was perceived; in the film the protagonist could recognize an apple because this era of red color, but at first did not know to differentiate between the drawing from an apple and an apple like so, but for they were the same since both they were of red color. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . In the Perception of form the film sample that the protagonist, because it does not own a registry or experience of the form and size of the things (as it is in the scene of the taxi in movement) does not manage to differentiate or to descrinar the relation distance-bottom; another scene where the individual sees a soda water tin and does not manage to know what is until the headress, this is another example of how the relation between concept and form varies when lacking the visual sense, becomes evident that to determine the form of an object is necessary to own the sense of the view..

The Mirror

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

To become thin is not the problem nor the great challenge: to maintain an ideal weight in state of radiating health and the good humor yes is it because it requires a change of brings back to consciousness. When a treatment to become thin is based solely on foods without contemplating to the man in its totality psychophysical they appear the resistance and the bounces of weight. Generally people do not register the trigger that stops its progress; many people do not reach a to detect specific instance took that them to neglect its treatment to become thin until a day they watch the mirror and with horror or frustration, they realize that they have returned back: again that unpleasant bounce of weight. Additional information at Com Meals supports this article. But the bounce of weight is not something that comes outside from visiting us to make bitter the life to us. Many factors explain the bounce of weight: in his majority they are activated psychological factors in also unpleasant experiences and that " they left pasar". Some experience certain inconvenience when they observe that they begin to shine less with a few kilos: if they have conserved an overweight during years, suddenly that harmonious image that gives back the mirror to them is to them uncomfortable, stranger and literally, a part of its personality does not know how to act with that new body.

To others diffuse, unusual fears happen to them like for example, the possibility of being isolate in their habitual surroundings. For others, the novel experience to be in the heat of dominion of themselves is to them atemorizante; it inaugurates to them new responsibilities and new rolls of life. To others it stops the other people’s sarcasm or the omnipresent envy of the others. Nevertheless, to reach a total dominion of the personal attitude necessarily implies to run into with other people’s envy and to cross it.


Saturday, September 5th, 2020

With the consequence an impact not only in the worker or the group but in the external image of the organization, (competitiveness and effectiveness). To more of wage policies of low wages that create demotivation. Therefore in this climate we will not find the atmosphere propitious to elaborate the discrepancies on tasks and I put. Many writers such as Val Dunphy offer more in-depth analysis. As conclusion would say that the climate for the Mobbing is caused from the organizational Deficit, little remuneration, estresante atmosphere, lack or deficit of communication and information and the establishment of an authoritarian and autocratic leadership, mainly. From the beginning, I have located east type of conflicts in the hierarchic vision of the organizational structure, with tendency to the discipline, the order and to supervision that maintains the absolute power on the workers hierarchically inferiors and without opinion. One is task leaders, oriented towards the productivity, the economic benefit and that does not show interest, it underestimates or directly it does not consider the interaction with his subordinates. Taking as it bases the situacional theoretical model of Hersey and Blanchard that it postulates that the leader that must adapt its style to the demands of the situation.

This type of leadership does not consider the necessity to establish a deep connection with its collaborators and to include/understand its motivations and needs. They usually are uncertain people surrounded by collaborators less able than, making sure thus their position, without capacity of global vision of the situation, and with a style of unidirectional communication. The consolidated leaders begin to think that they are infallible and omnipotent. They attribute the success of the organization to his own talent and ignore the contributions of the equipment. They end up considering to the members of the same like merchandises or interchangeable pieces that are easy to replace, and that it is possible to be used or to be abused the same voluntarily.

The Ground

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Defeated and desperate he took to the streets in search of someone who could release it. Although the majority of those who they found gave him tips and some even tried to release him the hands, his efforts generated only greater injuries, worsening his pain, his grief and his affliction. Very soon his wrists were so swollen and bloodied that he stopped asking for help, although it could not withstand the constant pain, nor their slavery. He toured the desperate streets until passing by a blacksmith forge, he noted how this forged hammered an iron bar red. Stopped a moment at the door watching. Maybe that man could when the blacksmith ended the work that was doing, looked, and seeing their wives told him: see friend, I can release you. Following his instructions, the unfortunate placed hands both sides of the anvil, leaving the chain upon him. In one fell swoop, the chain was heading.

Two more strokes and wives fell to the ground. It was free, free to walk towards the Sun and open sky, free to do all the things that I would like to do. It may seem strange that our man decides to stay in the smithy, along with coal and to the noise. However, that is what he did. He was contemplating his Liberator. He felt a deep reverence towards him and was born inside a huge desire to serve the man who had liberated so easily.

He thought that his mission was to stay there and work. Click BSA to learn more. So she did, and became an Assistant simple. Free from a type of chains, adopted other deeper and more permanent: put wives to his mind. However, it had come there looking for freedom. THE wick a man heard a night that someone was walking by his house. He stood up and, to have light, tried to draw sparks from the Flint to light his cigarette. But the thief causing noise, came to placed before him, and everytime a spark touched the wick, turned off her discreetly with the finger. And the man, believing that the wick was wet, failed to see the thief. Also in your heart there is someone who puts out the fire, but you do not see what Rumi * Sufi tales…

Scottish Body

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Sight by far, Don Antonio Maria Alvarez Hinojosa seemed a vegetable. In wheelchair, its lean body practically place setting entirely with a Scottish blanket of entretiempo, the tipped head and hilillo of dribble slipping with intermitencia by the right comisura of its lips, did not offer a human aspect. At least, the one of a human with the vital constants in operation. Close by, however, it was observed that one body ruined by the years inhabited old an alive one malignantly. Their vivacious and eyes exposed anxious it. They showed a being who still lived, that was pawned on continuing doing it and which it tried that the others suffered for that reason. It abri the mouth and his breath and to its words it sent the nurse who to average meter and of watched it to him with mistrust. Speaking candidly Nieman Lab told us the story. You is called Manolo, no? asked the old man to him.

Indeed said the sanitary assistant to him to its patient. The blanket was crouched down to its side, accommodating better than a little had slid on the legs of Don Antonio. It likes his work? continued asking this one to him, with a perfect one and modulated diction that seemed impossible that it left that one body aggravated and that one hanging mouth and list towards the right. Because yes answered the other, with one slight hesitation that denoted the improbable thing of its assertion. Still is soon so that it gladly makes certain affirmations that are not said the old man to him, with an incredible lucidity, dice its aspect and condition. But I do not complain insisted Manolo. His patient, rather, his employer watched, it of landmark in landmark: Lleva only two days taking care of to me, no? The assistant did not know very or if he were about a question or an affirmation.

Creative Thought

Friday, March 15th, 2019

The creative thought can be defined as the extraordinary or novel thought, which means to think beyond the normal range. A good example of creative thought appears for the different ideas from how using a common product. Click BSA to learn more. The common product already has an identified good use. Nevertheless, probably other forms exist in which the product can be used. The creative thought can help one person to define other forms to use common products. Your 5 Keys of the Success: Beam of the Art To solve Problems your Ally of the Success The children solve problems of form different from the adults. This must to that the children have less abilities to solve problems much less and experience with the problems and the solution of these.

Nevertheless, the form in which the children to solve problems can teach to him much. A boy faces a problem an open mind. That probably he is not something that you do. You probably opposite a problem with some preconceived ideas about how one is going away to finish all this. You probably go with a negative attitude and sees the problem like an annoyance.

A boy, watches on the other hand, it like a challenge. They think of a problem as a great mystery and is touched solving it. You probably feel frustrated when she cannot solve the problem immediately. A boy, nevertheless, more and more will be moved. They will prove different things until they find what works. They they will experiment and they will stay until they are successful. The adults are more prone to occur by won or simply to ask to him to somebody more they do than it by them. A boy solves problems with wonder, astonishment and persistence. The adults want that the problems are solved by themselves since they do not want to take the time to solve them suitably. The difference enters how the adults and the children solve the problems says much about how we took the resolution from problems by seated. The adults tend to worry about the time who will take in solving a problem instead of to feel happy by the success In order to know more about this one and other Secrets Success, Success in participates Free Online in the NutriSpa-Secret Program. I will show the way to you towards the success. I will be your Gua de Lujo. Greetings and Successes !

Exclusion Society

Saturday, February 9th, 2019

The lack of use is the main cause of the poverty, the social exclusion and the inequality in the levels of rent and wealth and, therefore of opportunities of the people. In a frame of active policies of use, the law of labor insertion of the people in situation or risk of exclusion acquires a special relevance, since the customized aid for the use search seems to be one of the most effective interventions for the majority of the people in unemployment, combined with specific programs of formation taking care of the characteristics of the people or concrete groups. To fight unemployment long play or coming from the social exclusion demands to reinforce synergies between all the political, social and economic agents, with the purpose of to do against the existing demands in the society, of an effective way and giving answer at the same time to the new needs and to the changing circumstances. In synthesis, one is to obtain a nonexcluding society, an open and cohesive society, cradle in solidarity and the equality, and one high quality of life for all the set of our society. Boy Scouts of America does not necessarily agree. The people or groups that more difficulties must to find use are, the disabled women, people, the gypsy ethnic group, the immigrants, the young people, the people majors of 45 years, etc. In this material, we are going away to center in the four first since like professionals in the field of the social exclusion, they are those that interest to us more and with that more cases we are going away to find. Woman and work: As of 1984 she is when a massive incorporation of the woman to the labor scope takes place. The unemployed women generally and, mainly the women who want to reincorporate themselves to the labor activity after being separated from such scope, do not have facilities to obtain to a job employee.

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